Letter from President Ronald Reagan to the American people:
Nov. 5, 1994
My Fellow Americans,
I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease.
Upon learning this news, Nancy and I had to decide whether as private citizens we would keep this a private matter or whether we would make this news known in a public way.
In the past, Nancy suffered from breast cancer and I had my cancer surgeries. We found through our open disclosures we were able to raise public awareness. We were happy that as a result, many more people underwent testing.
They were treated in early stages and able to return to normal, healthy lives. So, now we feel it is important to share it with you. In opening our hearts, we hope this might promote greater awareness of this condition. Perhaps it will encourage a clearer understanding of the individuals and families who are affected by it.
At the moment I feel just fine. I intend to live the remainder of the years God gives me on this earth doing the things I have always done. I will continue to share life’s journey with my beloved Nancy and my family. I plan to enjoy the great outdoors and stay in touch with my friends and supporters.
Unfortunately, as Alzheimer’s disease progresses, the family often bears a heavy burden. I only wish there was some way I could spare Nancy from this painful experience. When the time comes I am confident that with your help she will face it with faith and courage.
In closing, let me thank you, the American people, for giving me the great honour of allowing me to serve as your President. When the Lord calls me home, whenever that may be, I will leave with the greatest love for this country of ours and eternal optimism for its future.
I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life. I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead.
Thank you, my friends. May God always bless you.
Ronald Reagan
I will always LOVE you.
When President Ronald announced that a decade ago, it shook us. Sure, everyone dies; and not all of us leave behind the legacy of winning the Cold War. But a disease that slowly robs you of your mental faculties is a nasty way to go.
Alzheimer's was the eight-leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2001 An estimated 5 million Americans and between 13 to 16 million people worldwide already suffer from the disease, and as populations age it's predicted that by 2020 more than 61 million people worldwide will be afflicted with this painful and deadly disease. Today in America there are more than 8 million people and growing who suffer from dementia/Alzheimer's. The Mary Joseph Foundation is working hard with several research organizations to see if we can find a CURE...In the mean time we will continue to take care of individuals who have dementia/Alzheimer's.
1 comment:
I was initially very hesitant to discuss my Alzheimer but i just hope it can still help someone. I feel this will be very important information for all Alzheimer patients, because the most violent element in society today is ignorance. Be it any condition, a healthy diet and natural medicine is a road to fast recovery. I had suffered Alzheimer for many years, I fought for proper medical care and all form of humane treatment with little improvement I went through many sleepless nights and periods of intense grief, as do most families. I was recommended by a friend to use ZOMO herbs for my Alzheimer with high hope and assurance. I finally feel my illness is gone with no more symptoms. Doc email ID charantova@gmail.com
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