WASHINGTON... Speaking out for the first time about her husband's Alzheimer's disease, retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told senators Wednesday that the disease takes a "staggering toll" on families and said, "our nation is certainly ready, and have to get deadly serious about this deadly disease."
As she referred to her "beloved husband," John, and how he is "not in very good shape," her voice cracked.
Who feel it knows it...Living with this disease has been sad and difficult for my entire family or any family," O'Connor wrote in the testimony she prepared for Wednesday's morning session. "The disease begins quietly, with memory difficulties that gradually become more serious and much more frightening with each passing year. Then, what follows is confusion ... impaired judgment ... trouble expressing even the simplest thoughts .... disorientation ... and socially inappropriate behavior." Yet Sandra Day O'Connor who was the first woman on the Supreme Court, clearly conveyed her main message to the Special Committee on Aging: that Alzheimer's disease research must be expanded to find a CURE, and it will take both public and private funding, I must say every dollar count.
Speaking from experiences In Sandra Day O'Connor's actual remarks to the committee, she did not read that text and instead highlighted the need for policymakers to focus on research of this deadly disease that currently has no cure.
Senate Special Committee Hearing on Alzheimer’s
The Senate Special Committee on Aging held a hearing to examine the tremendous burden Alzheimer’s poses not only to the estimated some 8 million Americans with the disease and their 12 million caregivers, but also to the healthcare system.
Recently, researchers identified abnormal tau protein in the entorhinal cortex before dementia was even clinically detectable. For years now most researchers targeted a different symptom, the amyloid beta plaques that gum up the spaces between the brain's neurons, causing them to die. You can now see many famous people such as Charlton Heston 1924-2008,former President Ronald Reagan and more who die from Alzheimer's disease on our web site ( my forum )
We are asking everyone for their support let us fight this disease together, I watch my mother and two of my cousins slowly past away from Alzheimer's disease.
Mary Joseph Foundation
We are trying our best to find a cure and at the same time helping individuals who have Alzheimer's disease.
There are still no CURE of any kind for Alzheimer's disease today on the world market... Dr.William Thomas.
Mary Joseph Foundation a non-profit international organization for Alzheimer's disease
Register with the Federal government and incorporated in the state of New Jersey.