Until the late 1970s, the study of such personal memory was not considered suitable for scientific inquiry. Whatever played across the mind's screen was private and unknowable to the outside world.This lack of knowledge about how memory works made it almost impossible to unravel one of medicine's most vexing questions - the cause of Alzheimer's, an age-related disease affecting more than six million Americans.
But an examination of the latest research, some of it not yet published, shows that, neuron by neuron, scientists are finally making their way into the deepest recesses of human memory. Like the first blurry, black-and-white pictures sent back from the surface of the moon, the view is still imperfect, but memory's secret landscape is slowly being revealed.For example Scientific are now using laser and different type of wire devices to cause regression to the memory.
Science is unlocking many of the mysteries of the brain, but we don’t have all the answers yet. You can do everything “right” and still not prevent Alzheimer’s disease. What’s offered here is the best and most up-to-date information available so that you can make your own decisions about your health.
Mary Joseph Foundati0n
Mary Joseph Foundati0n